From 0 to 50 mln users per day
Capitalization $62 billion
From 0 to 150 mln users per day
From 0 to 60 mln users per day
You run 20% of the functionality that will satisfy 80% of the needs.
You start to receive revenue earlier, better than under developing large-scale functionality.
Money is not always the reason. We understand this by working on the dreams of our customers.
Launching the MVP of a new product reactivates audiences, showing them your readiness for the future.
Testing of a new market, a niche, can lead to the diversification of the company's revenues and the strengthening of its position.
Give a reason to talk about you and your strategy.
Workshop discussing the problem and formulating solutions
The goal is to decide upon a joint statement of tasks before MVP development to test hypotheses. The workshop is carried out according to the following methods - CJM, Value Proposition Canvas, Hook Framework, MVP Prioritization.
Artifact: formulated hypotheses and use-cases that we will test.
Sprint methodology
Rapid prototyping according to the Google Sprint methodology by three designers who develop three different prototypes for all application states, from which we will choose the best
Artifact: the final high-quality interactive prototype.
UX testing for 5 respondents
Artifact: a high-quality interactive prototype, with changes made as a result of UX testing.
Event markup for behavioral analytics acquisition
Artifact: an encyclopedia of events, categorized list of user actions that we monitor.
UI + development of client / clients and server (if it's nedeed)
Artifact: a build ready for transfer to QA and a configured server.
QA Session and Editing
Preparation of the build for launch, testing on a wide range of devices. QA is conducted by experts with application testing experience with an audience of 10 million people.
Artifact: final application build.
Contact us. Leave your email address and our manager will reply quickly.
Discuss with the manager details of your project and its requirements.
Consider our proposal and agree on the start of work.